Die Fürsten der Dunkelheit
John CarpenterSchauspieler:
Donald Pleasence, Victor Wong, Dennis Dun, Peter Jason, Lisa Blount, Joanna Merlin, Dirk Blocker, Jessie Lawrence Ferguson, Anne Marie Howard, Jameson Parker, Susan Blanchard, Ann Yen, Ken Wright, Robert Grasmere, Thom BrayDer Teufel persönlich haust seit Jahrhunderten im Keller einer Kapelle in Los Angeles, gefangen in grünlicher Flüssigkeit. Ein Priester entdeckt das Geheimnis und versucht, es mit Hilfe eines Physikprofessors und eines anderen Wissenschaftlers zu lüften. Während Besessene die Kirche belagern, ergreift der Geist des Bösen Besitz von den Wissenschaftlern, die danach trachten, sich gegenseitig zu töten und den Satan aus seinem Gefängnis zu befreien. Das Opfer einer jungen Frau stürzt den Leibhaftigen in sein Gefängnis hinter den Spiegel zurück. Der Teufel ist aufgehalten, für kurze Zeit.
Eine "tour de force" der Alpträume in klaustrophobischer Atmosphäre mit prominenter Besetzung. Ein beeindruckendes, enervierendes Stück Horror.
A sinister secret has been kept in the basement of an abandoned Los Angeles church for many years. With the death of a priest belonging to a mysterious sect, another priest opens the door to the basement and discovers a vat containing a green liquid. The priest contacts a group of physics graduate students to investigate it. Unfortunately, they discover that the liquid contains the essence of Satan himself, and they also discover that he will release HIS father - an all-powerful Anti-God! The liquid later comes to life itself, turning some of the students into zombies as the Devil comes forward to release his father. Will these students be able to stop him?
A sinister secret has been kept in the basement of an abandoned Los Angeles church for many years. With the death of a priest belonging to a mysterious sect, another priest opens the door to the basement and discovers a vat containing a green liquid. The priest contacts a group of physics graduate students to investigate it. Unfortunately, they discover that the liquid contains the essence of Satan himself, and they also discover that he will release HIS father - an all-powerful Anti-God! The liquid later comes to life itself, turning some of the students into zombies as the Devil comes forward to release his father. Will these students be able to stop him?