Die Geschwister Savage
Tamara JenkinsSchauspieler:
Laura Linney, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Guy Boyd, David Zayas, Rosemary Murphy, Philip Bosco, Debra Monk, Peter Friedman, Gbenga Akinnagbe, Tonye Patano, Cara Seymour, Hal Blankenship, Joan Jaffe, Sage Kirkpatrick, Salem LudwigAls Vater ließ Lenny Savage (Philip Bosco) seine Kinder Wendy (Laura Linney) und Jon (Philip Seymour Hoffman) im Stich. Deshalb halten sie schon lange keinen Kontakt mehr zu ihm. Doch seitdem bei ihm Altersdemenz diagnostiziert wurde und er vom Seniorenparadies Sun City in ein tristes Pflegeheim umziehen muss, sorgen sie widerwillig für den schwierigen Greis. Das konfrontiert beide mit Verfall und Beziehungen - zu ihrem Vater, sich selbst und ihrem Leben.
Eine sehr wahrhaftige Familienkonstellation gibt den Startschuss für ein Drama der leisen und oft komischen Töne über die Tabuthemen Alter, Verfall und Sterben. Tamara Jenkins ("Hauptsache Beverly Hills") kommt in dem außergewöhnlichen Familienfilm ihren Figuren ganz nahe.
Jon and Wendy Savage are two siblings who have spent their adult years trying to recover from the abuse of their abusive father, Lenny Savage. Suddenly, a call comes in that his girlfriend has died, he cannot care for himself with his dementia and her family is dumping him on his children. Despite the fact Jon and Wendy have not spoken to Lenny for twenty years and he is even more loathsome than ever, the Savage siblings feel obliged to take care of him. Now together, brother and sister must come to terms with the new and painful responsibilities with their father now affecting their lives even as they struggle with their own personal demons Lenny helped create.
Jon and Wendy Savage are two siblings who have spent their adult years trying to recover from the abuse of their abusive father, Lenny Savage. Suddenly, a call comes in that his girlfriend has died, he cannot care for himself with his dementia and her family is dumping him on his children. Despite the fact Jon and Wendy have not spoken to Lenny for twenty years and he is even more loathsome than ever, the Savage siblings feel obliged to take care of him. Now together, brother and sister must come to terms with the new and painful responsibilities with their father now affecting their lives even as they struggle with their own personal demons Lenny helped create.