Die Hart: Die Harter
Eric AppelSchauspieler:
Kevin Hart, Nathalie Emmanuel, Ben Schwartz, John Cena, Paula Pell, Greg Kriek, Melissa Ponzio, Jay Hector, David Chan, Stacy Hall, Alon McKlveen, Olivia ParkIn der Fortsetzung der Actionkomödie Die Hart wird Kevin Hart, nun der größte Actionstar der Welt, Opfer eines teuflischen Racheplans und muss die Hilfe seines Lieblings-Co-Stars und seines übereifrigen Assistenten in Anspruch nehmen, um zu überleben.
Actor/comedian Kevin Hart plans an innovative action film with unscripted, unexpected scenes to cement his legacy as the greatest. However, a blind spot leads him to fall victim to a vengeful plot from his past.
Actor/comedian Kevin Hart plans an innovative action film with unscripted, unexpected scenes to cement his legacy as the greatest. However, a blind spot leads him to fall victim to a vengeful plot from his past.