Die Haut des Wolfes
Samu FuentesSchauspieler:
Mario Casas, Irene Escolar, Ruth Díaz, Ramón Barea, Josean Bengoetxea, Ramón Agirre, Paco Sagarzazu, Quimet Pla, Kandido UrangaEin Tierjäger, der abgeschieden in einem entlegenen Bergdorf in Nordspanien lebt, möchte seiner Einsamkeit entkommen, indem er sich eine Ehefrau zulegt.
Martinón is the last inhabitant of Auzal, a village in the mountains where he lives in communion with nature. He only goes down to the valleys twice a year to trade and to buy provisions. But one day he’s convinced to take a wife, a decision intended to soften his calloused soul—but in some ways his real struggle is only just beginning.
Martinón is the last inhabitant of Auzal, a village in the mountains where he lives in communion with nature. He only goes down to the valleys twice a year to trade and to buy provisions. But one day he’s convinced to take a wife, a decision intended to soften his calloused soul—but in some ways his real struggle is only just beginning.