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Don SiegelSchauspieler:
Steve McQueen, Bobby Darin, Fess Parker, Harry Guardino, James Coburn, Mike Kellin, Joseph Hoover, Bill Mullikin, L.Q. Jones, Michele Montau, Don Haggerty, Nick Adams, Bob Newhart1944 in Frankreich in der Nähe von Montigny in einem bislang ruhigen Abschnitt am Westwall. Eine Einheit, die auf Urlaub wartet, muss noch ein Mal an die Front. Sie soll die Deutschen über ihre wahre Stärke täuschen. Während der Abwesenheit des Gruppenführers unternimmt Ex-Mastersergeant Reese einen wahnwitzigen Angriff auf die deutsche MG-Stellung, was zwei Männer das Leben kostet. Am nächsten Morgen stürmt Reese die Stellung allein, wird angeschossen und sprengt sich und die Deutschen in die Luft.
Harter und kompromissloser Kriegsfilm von Don Siegel mit Steve McQueen als Psychopath, der im Krieg im befehligten Töten das findet, was ihm im normalen Leben, für das er zu unstabil ist, nicht gelingt.
World War II drama where the action centers around a single maneuver by a squad of GIs in retaliation against the force of the German Siegfried line. Reese joins a group of weary GIs unexpectedly ordered back into the line when on their way to a rest area. While most of the men withdraw from their positions facing a German pillbox at the far side of a mine-field, half a dozen men are left to protect a wide front. By various ruses, they manage to convince the Germans that a large force is still holding the position. Then Reese leads two of the men in an unauthorized and unsuccessful attack on the pillbox, in which the other two are killed; and when the main platoon returns, he is threatened with court-martial. Rather that face the disgrace, and in an attempt to show he was right, he makes a one-man attack on the pillbox.
World War II drama where the action centers around a single maneuver by a squad of GIs in retaliation against the force of the German Siegfried line. Reese joins a group of weary GIs unexpectedly ordered back into the line when on their way to a rest area. While most of the men withdraw from their positions facing a German pillbox at the far side of a mine-field, half a dozen men are left to protect a wide front. By various ruses, they manage to convince the Germans that a large force is still holding the position. Then Reese leads two of the men in an unauthorized and unsuccessful attack on the pillbox, in which the other two are killed; and when the main platoon returns, he is threatened with court-martial. Rather that face the disgrace, and in an attempt to show he was right, he makes a one-man attack on the pillbox.