Die Lebenden und die Toten
Kristijan MilicSchauspieler:
Velibor Topic, Filip Sovagovic, Slaven Knezovic, Marinko PrgaDiejenigen, die unfähig sind, aus ihrer eigenen Geschichte zu lernen, sind dazu verdammt, sie zu wiederholen! So geht es wohl auch den Soldaten und ihrem Anführer Ivo im ehemaligen Jugoslawien, wo sie 1993 auf genau den gleichen Pfaden marschieren, wie ihre Väter und Großväter einst im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Es ist das gleiche sinnlose Blutvergießen und ein hoffnungsloses Warten auf den Tod...
In 1943, group of Croatian soldiers overtake a strategically important point in western Bosnia with a goal to destroy a group of communist partisans. On the way they met some supernatural phenomena, and the action itself went very badly because the partisans ambushed them. The main character Martin inherits silver cigarette case from a dying soldier. This act connects to the story in 1993 when we meet Martins grandson Tomo. He is one of six soldiers of the Croatian army who have come to the same place in Bosnia to meet the same phenomena and similar fate.
In 1943, group of Croatian soldiers overtake a strategically important point in western Bosnia with a goal to destroy a group of communist partisans. On the way they met some supernatural phenomena, and the action itself went very badly because the partisans ambushed them. The main character Martin inherits silver cigarette case from a dying soldier. This act connects to the story in 1993 when we meet Martins grandson Tomo. He is one of six soldiers of the Croatian army who have come to the same place in Bosnia to meet the same phenomena and similar fate.