Die Nacht hat viele Augen
John BadhamSchauspieler:
Richard Dreyfuss, Emilio Estevez, Madeleine Stowe, Aidan Quinn, Dan Lauria, Forest Whitaker, Earl Billings, Jackson Davies, Ian Tracey, Denalda Williams, J.J. Makaro, Scott Andersen, Tony Pantages, Beatrice Boepple, Jan Speck, Kim KondrashoffDie beiden Detectivs Bill und Chris bekommen einen unspannenden Job zugewiesen: sie sollen auf die Ex-Freundin eines entflohenen Gangsters aufpassen. Zu allem Übel verliebt sich Chris in die Frau...
Two cops are given the 'dirty' job of staking out the home of an escaped convict's ex-girlfriend. Chris and the beautiful girlfriend accidentally meet and fall in love. Just as Chris confesses, the convict appears, but will she betray him ?
Two cops are given the 'dirty' job of staking out the home of an escaped convict's ex-girlfriend. Chris and the beautiful girlfriend accidentally meet and fall in love. Just as Chris confesses, the convict appears, but will she betray him ?