Die Piratenbraut
Renny HarlinSchauspieler:
Geena Davis, Matthew Modine, Frank Langella, Maury ChaykinMit der auf dem Skalp ihres verstorbenen Vaters eintätowierten Lageplan eines sagenumwobenen Schatzes macht sich die Freibeuterin Morgan Adams auf den abenteuerlichen Weg zur Cutthroat Island. Wenn sie nicht gerade damit beschäftigt ist, ihren skrupellosen Onkel und Konkurrenten Dawg Brown abzuschütteln, liefert sie sich verbale und amouröse Gefechte mit William, einem undurchschauberen Hallodri.
Renny Harlins aufwendige Piratenfilmvariante im Comic-Stil, mit Ehefrau Geena Davis in der Titelrolle.
Morgan Adams and her slave, William Shaw, are on a quest to recover the three portions of a treasure map. Unfortunately, the final portion is held by her murderous uncle, Dawg. Her crew is skeptical of her leadership abilities, so she must complete her quest before they mutiny against her. This is made yet more difficult by the efforts of the British crown to end her pirate raids.
Morgan Adams and her slave, William Shaw, are on a quest to recover the three portions of a treasure map. Unfortunately, the final portion is held by her murderous uncle, Dawg. Her crew is skeptical of her leadership abilities, so she must complete her quest before they mutiny against her. This is made yet more difficult by the efforts of the British crown to end her pirate raids.