Die Rache des Pharao
Michael CarrerasSchauspieler:
Terence Morgan, Ronald Howard, Fred Clark, Jeanne Roland, George Pastell, Jack Gwillim, John Paul, Dickie Owen, Jill Mai Meredith, Michael Ripper, Harold Goodwin, Jimmy Gardner, Marianne StoneIm Jahr 1900 wird bei einer Expedition die Grabkammer des Pharaos Ra-Antef geöffnet, der 3000 Jahre zuvor von seinem Bruder ermordet worden war. Obwohl kurz darauf der Entdecker Professor Dubois ums Leben kommt, beschliesst Finanzier Alexander King, den Sarkophag mit der Mumie des Pharaos auf eine Tour durch Europa und Amerika zu schicken. In England stellt sich alsbald heraus, dass der Sarkophag leer ist und der wiederauferstandene Pharao ausgezogen ist, um Rache zu nehmen.
Durchschnittlicher Mumienhorror aus dem Hause Hammer.
Those who have interfered with the Tomb of Ra-Antef are in terrible danger. Against expert advice, American showman and financial backer of the expedition, Alexander King, plans a world tour exhibiting this magnificent discovery from the ancient world but on the opening night the sarcophagus is void of its contents. The mummy has escaped to fulfill the dreadful prophesy and exact a violent and bloody revenge on all those who defiled his final resting place.
Those who have interfered with the Tomb of Ra-Antef are in terrible danger. Against expert advice, American showman and financial backer of the expedition, Alexander King, plans a world tour exhibiting this magnificent discovery from the ancient world but on the opening night the sarcophagus is void of its contents. The mummy has escaped to fulfill the dreadful prophesy and exact a violent and bloody revenge on all those who defiled his final resting place.