Die Rückkehr der Zombies
Andrea BianchiSchauspieler:
Karin Well, Gianluigi Chirizzi, Simone Mattioli, Antonella Antinori, Roberto Caporali, Peter Bark, Claudio Zucchet, Anna Valente, Raimondo Barbieri, Mariangela GiordanoIm Landhaus eines reichen Industriellen treffen sich eine Anzahl Leute zu einem fröhlichen Wochenende. Doch das Grauen schlägt sie bald in seinen Bann. Als die Nacht hereinbricht, kommt eine Horde schrecklicher Wesen aus der Dunkelheit: Zombies, die panische Furcht verbreiten und schauderhafte Verbrechen begehen. Die Gruppe versucht sich zu schützen ... doch vergeblich. Mit unvorstellbarer Grausamkeit schlagen die lebenden Toten zu! Es gibt kein Entrinnen!
Professor Ayres discovers a secret in an ancient stone and when he opens a crypt, he revives zombies that kill him. He had invited three couples to visit him in his manor to reveal his discovery. However, they never get around to meeting the professor. Out of the blue, the zombies attack them and they seek shelter in the mansion.
Professor Ayres discovers a secret in an ancient stone and when he opens a crypt, he revives zombies that kill him. He had invited three couples to visit him in his manor to reveal his discovery. However, they never get around to meeting the professor. Out of the blue, the zombies attack them and they seek shelter in the mansion.