Die schwarzen Zombies von Sugar Hill
Paul MaslanskySchauspieler:
Marki Bey, Robert Quarry, Don Pedro Colley, Betty Anne Rees, Richard Lawson, Zara Cully, Charles Robinson, Larry Don Johnson, Rick Hagood, Ed Geldart, Albert J. Baker, Raymond E. Simpson, Truman C. Carroll, Charles Krohn, Roy L. Downey, Gary ChasonAls ihr Freund brutal von Gangstern aus der Gegend ermordet wird, schwört Sugar Hill (Marki Bey) auf Rache. Mit Hilfe der alten Voodoo-Hexe Mama Maitresse (Zara Cully) bittet sie Baron Samedi (Don Pedro Colley) inständig darum, den Tod ihres Freundes zu rächen. Im Gegenzug zu ihrer Seele, gewährt der Herr der Toten Sugar eine kleine Zombiearmee, mit der ihr Anliegen nun zum Kinderspiel werden müsste...
When her boyfriend is brutally murdered, after refusing to be shaken down by the local gangsters running their protection racket, Sugar Hill, decides not to get mad, but BAD! Calling upon the help of aged voodoo queen Mama Maitresse, Sugar entreats her to call upon Baron Zamedi, the Lord of the Dead, for help in gaining a gruesome revenge. In exchange for her soul, the Dark Master raises up a zombie army to do her bidding. The bad guys who thought they were getting away clean are about to find out that they're DEAD wrong.
When her boyfriend is brutally murdered, after refusing to be shaken down by the local gangsters running their protection racket, Sugar Hill, decides not to get mad, but BAD! Calling upon the help of aged voodoo queen Mama Maitresse, Sugar entreats her to call upon Baron Zamedi, the Lord of the Dead, for help in gaining a gruesome revenge. In exchange for her soul, the Dark Master raises up a zombie army to do her bidding. The bad guys who thought they were getting away clean are about to find out that they're DEAD wrong.