Die Stille des Todes
Daniel CalparsoroSchauspieler:
Belén Rueda, Javier Rey, Aura Garrido, Manolo Solo, Alex Brendemühl, Ramón Barea, Sergio Dorado, Allende Blanco, Rubén Ochandiano, Pedro Casablanc, Mariano Estudillo, Joseba Apaolaza, Itziar Ituno, Ramón Agirre, Itziar Atienza, Sara CozarEin Inspektor kehrt für Ermittlungen nach Vitoria-Gasteiz zurück. Die Morde ähneln denen eines angeblichen Serienkillers, der in Kürze aus der Haft entlassen wird.
Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque Country, Spain, 2016. Two corpses appear in the crypt of the Old Cathedral. Police officer Unai López de Ayala, an expert in criminal profiling, must hunt down the ritual murderer who has been terrorizing the city for two decades…
Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque Country, Spain, 2016. Two corpses appear in the crypt of the Old Cathedral. Police officer Unai López de Ayala, an expert in criminal profiling, must hunt down the ritual murderer who has been terrorizing the city for two decades…