Im Schatten des Schreckens
John PattersonSchauspieler:
Elizabeth Montgomery, Dale Midkiff, Heather Fairfield, Talia Balsam, Jerry Bossard, Mimi Kennedy, Joycelyn O'Brien, Dixie K. Wade, J.P. Bumstead, Keith Atkinson, Jimmie Ray Weeks, Richard Roat, Caroline Williams, Joe D'Angerio, Gary Bayer, Pat Crawford BrownEin junger Mann aus reichem Haus arbeitet tagsüber als Immobilien-Makler, um seine ehrgeizige Mutter zufriedenzustellen. Nachts und früh morgens lauert er Dutzenden von Frauen auf, um sie brutal zu verprügeln und zu vergewaltigen. Der von unbewußten Rachegefühlen gegen seine Mutter geleitete Mann kann erst spät überführt werden, und als seine Mutter einen vermeintlichen Profi-Killer anheuert, um Richter und Staatsanwalt umbringen zu lassen, wird auch sie inhaftiert
A charismatic Real Estate agent, Kevin Coe, is publicly proud of his mother, a prominent socialite, but privately he must put up with her constant belittlements and taunts. And while his latest girlfriend starts discovering the depths of his anguish, no one connects him with a long series of violent rapes that have been troubling the area.
A charismatic Real Estate agent, Kevin Coe, is publicly proud of his mother, a prominent socialite, but privately he must put up with her constant belittlements and taunts. And while his latest girlfriend starts discovering the depths of his anguish, no one connects him with a long series of violent rapes that have been troubling the area.