Die Strategie der Spinne
Bernardo BertolucciSchauspieler:
Giulio Brogi, Alida Valli, Pippo Campanini, Franco Giovanelli, Tino Scotti, Allen MidgetteAthos Magnani reist in den Ort Tara, in dem sein 1936 ermordeter Vater als antifaschistischer Held geehrt wird. Für den jungen Mann beginnt eine Reise in die Vergangenheit und die Suche nach der Wahrheit über seinen Vater.
Athos befragt dessen drei Kampfgefährten von einst und dessen damalige Geliebte Draifa. Der Sohn erfährt von einem Attentat auf Mussolini, das die vier Männer seinerzeit planten, aber verraten wurde. Jetzt will Athos Magnani den Verräter ausfindig machen und wissen, wer seinen Vater ermordet hat.
Athos Magnani, a young researcher, returns to Tara, where his father was killed before his birth, at the request of Draifa. The father, also named Athos Magnani and looking exactly like the son, was killed by a fascist in 1936 -- or so says Draifa (his mistress), the town statue, and everyone in town. As the son untangles the web of lies this story is constructed from, he finds himself ensnared in the same web.
Athos Magnani, a young researcher, returns to Tara, where his father was killed before his birth, at the request of Draifa. The father, also named Athos Magnani and looking exactly like the son, was killed by a fascist in 1936 -- or so says Draifa (his mistress), the town statue, and everyone in town. As the son untangles the web of lies this story is constructed from, he finds himself ensnared in the same web.