Die Teufelsbestie
Larry N. StoufferSchauspieler:
Pat Cardi, Austin Stoker, Rosie Holotik, John Niland, Joye Hash, Jeff Alexander, Mike McHenry, Joe Greene, Nick Felix, Michelle Falerne, Laura Williamson, Charles MannNerd Vernon wird von seinen Studienkollegen gehänselt und geschlagen. In Biologie aber ist er ein Genie. Heimlich experimentiert er mit seinem Meerschweinchen. Irgendwann stellt er fest, dass es sich in ein Monster verwandelt hat, das des Hausmeisters Katze ermordet hat. Der zwingt Vernon dazu, selber die Droge einzunehmen…
A nerdy high school super whiz experiments with a chemical which will transform his guinea pig "Mr. Mumps" from a gentle pet into a ravenous monster. In a fit of rage against his tormentors at the high school, Vernon Potts goes on a killing spree, eliminating all of those who ever picked on him - the Gym Coach, the School Jock, The Creepy Janitor & his hated teacher, Ms. Grindstaff.
A nerdy high school super whiz experiments with a chemical which will transform his guinea pig "Mr. Mumps" from a gentle pet into a ravenous monster. In a fit of rage against his tormentors at the high school, Vernon Potts goes on a killing spree, eliminating all of those who ever picked on him - the Gym Coach, the School Jock, The Creepy Janitor & his hated teacher, Ms. Grindstaff.