Die Zukunft ist ein einsamer Ort
Martin Hawie, Laura HarwarthSchauspieler:
Lucas Gregorowicz, Denis Moschitto, Katharina Schüttler, Ronald Kukulies, Zejhun Demirov, Vedat Erincin, Billey Demirtas, Daniel Drewes, Slavko Popadic, Joel Sansi, Daniel Wiemer, Karoline Bär, Onur Koc, Fynn Zinapold, Stefanie StrohbeckDer bisher unbescholtene Frank überfällt einen Geldtransporter und stellt sich anschließend der Polizei. Im Gefängnis trifft er auf den ebenso skrupellosen wie misstrauischen Libanesen Fuad, der von seinem Clan geschützt wird. Frank mischt sich in die Drogengeschäfte im Gefängnis ein und gerät dabei zwischen die beiden rivalisierenden Gruppen von deutschen und arabischstämmigen Insassen. Einzig zu Wärterin Susanna baut Frank ein Vertrauensverhältnis auf – nicht ahnend, dass Susanna Teil von Fuads Geschäften ist und ein sexuelles Verhältnis mit ihm hat. Was nur Frank weiß: Seine Frau Maren und sein Sohn Jonas starben in Folge eines Autounfalls. Fuad war der Fahrer des Tatwagens und beging Fahrerflucht, die ungesühnt blieb. Frank sinnt auf Rache.
Düsteres Gangster-, Rache- und Dreiecksdrama mit aparter Besetzung.
Frank, a man without a criminal record, attacks a money transporter and then turns himself in to the police. His behavior is a mystery. In prison he meets the unscrupulous and suspicious Arab Fuad, who is protected by his clan. To get closer to Fuad, Frank intervenes in the drug business within the walls and gets caught between the two rival groups of German and Arab inmates. It is only the prison guard Susanna with whom Frank will be able to build a relationship of trust, not knowing that she is part of Fuad’s business and has a sexual relationship with him. However, they come emotionally close. What only Frank knows is that his wife and his daughter died in a car accident. Fuad was the hit-and-run driver that remained unpunished. Frank seeks revenge.
Frank, a man without a criminal record, attacks a money transporter and then turns himself in to the police. His behavior is a mystery. In prison he meets the unscrupulous and suspicious Arab Fuad, who is protected by his clan. To get closer to Fuad, Frank intervenes in the drug business within the walls and gets caught between the two rival groups of German and Arab inmates. It is only the prison guard Susanna with whom Frank will be able to build a relationship of trust, not knowing that she is part of Fuad’s business and has a sexual relationship with him. However, they come emotionally close. What only Frank knows is that his wife and his daughter died in a car accident. Fuad was the hit-and-run driver that remained unpunished. Frank seeks revenge.