Disorder - An der Schwelle zum Wahnsinn
Jack Thomas SmithSchauspieler:
Darren Kendrick, Melissa Predmore, Melissa Predmore, Thomas Ruderstaller, Alan Samulski, Sean Eager, Beth Benjamin, Ruthanne Gereghty, Craig Zisel, Gabriel Jonas, Christopher Ludgate, Rachel Nord, Ann-Marie Sepe, Dennis Albanese, Sonny Hawkes, Peggy QueenerJahrelang war David im Gefängnis, weil er für einen Mord verurteilt wurde, den er nicht begangen hat. Nach langer Behandlung glaubt er inzwischen selbst, daß er damals der Täter war. Nach seiner Entlassung kehrt er in seine Heimatstadt zurück, wo es kurz darauf weitere Leichen gibt. Diesmal aber ist er sich sicher, nicht der Täter zu sein, und mit der Hilfe einer Bekannten macht er sich auf die Suche nach dem wahren Täter.
David Randall may be a schizophrenic, but he's no murderer -- at least that's what he claims. Having served time for two killings he swears not to have committed, Randall is now home, medicated and attempting to start a new life. But that proves difficult when the masked figure he sighted at the scene of the murders is back; a friend is in danger; and everyone seems to believe that he's the real threat in this chiller from Jack Thomas Smith.
David Randall may be a schizophrenic, but he's no murderer -- at least that's what he claims. Having served time for two killings he swears not to have committed, Randall is now home, medicated and attempting to start a new life. But that proves difficult when the masked figure he sighted at the scene of the murders is back; a friend is in danger; and everyone seems to believe that he's the real threat in this chiller from Jack Thomas Smith.