Don't Speak - Sag' kein Wort!
Amadeu ArtasonaSchauspieler:
Pol Baulida, Liliana Cabal, Antonio de la Cruz, Maria Galan, Saras GilEine Gruppe von Freunden feiert ausgelassen auf einem Partyboot, in Küstennähe einer kleinen Stadt. Als sich einer von ihnen ernsthaft verletzt, machen sie sich auf den Weg zum Festland, um Hilfe zu organisieren. Dort angekommen, kümmert sich jedoch niemand um sie. Ganz im Gegenteil, die wenigen Einwohner die sie antreffen, fordern sie eindringlich auf ganz still zu sein. Plötzlich nehmen entsetzliche Dinge ihren Lauf. Die verängstigten Überlebenden haben nur eine Chance, den unheimlichen Ort lebend zu verlassen: Sie dürfen keinen Laut von sich geben.
Spanischer Horrorfilm, der eine vertraute Geschichte angenehm eigenständig erzählt.
A group of friends are having a party on a boat. In the distance, a small town watches them in silence. Suddenly, one of them is seriously injured and the group approach the village for help. No one attends, the few inhabitants they find order them to be quiet and disappear into the darkness. The group split for help and strange and terrifying things start to happen, some of them are killed in terrible circumstances. Those who still live, increasingly terrified, discover the reason for all these murders. If they want to leave the village alive and the house where they are locked, they will have to survive in absolute silence.
A group of friends are having a party on a boat. In the distance, a small town watches them in silence. Suddenly, one of them is seriously injured and the group approach the village for help. No one attends, the few inhabitants they find order them to be quiet and disappear into the darkness. The group split for help and strange and terrifying things start to happen, some of them are killed in terrible circumstances. Those who still live, increasingly terrified, discover the reason for all these murders. If they want to leave the village alive and the house where they are locked, they will have to survive in absolute silence.