Alex ChandonSchauspieler:
Jim VanBebberAls ein Mitarbeiter eines Pharmakonzerns dunkle Machenschaften innerhalb der Chefetage aufdeckt, werden er und seine gesamte Familie ausgelöscht. Nur sein Sohn Brian überlebt, obwohl im ein Drillbohrer in den Schädel gerammt wurde, und kennt nur noch einen Gedanken: Rache!
in a near future where AIDS is the number one killer disease, an evil pharmaceutical boss, Dr. Hex, creates a drug called Serocaine, promoted as a miracle cure, that in reality results in hideous mutations. When Hex's top scientist discovers the truth he and his family are butchered by Hex's henchmen; their son Brian survives being drilled through the head though and becomes an unstoppable maniac bent on revenge....
in a near future where AIDS is the number one killer disease, an evil pharmaceutical boss, Dr. Hex, creates a drug called Serocaine, promoted as a miracle cure, that in reality results in hideous mutations. When Hex's top scientist discovers the truth he and his family are butchered by Hex's henchmen; their son Brian survives being drilled through the head though and becomes an unstoppable maniac bent on revenge....