Daniel Sánchez ArévaloSchauspieler:
Quim Gutiérrez, Antonio de la Torre, Raúl Arévalo, Héctor Colomé, Eva Pallarés, Manuel Morón, Ana Wagener, Roberto Enríquez, Alba Gárate, Marta Aledo, Julián Villagrán, Daniel Muriel, Marta EturaAls Jorge (Quim Gutiérrez) sein BWL-Studium beendet, winkt ihm endlich die Freiheit, von der er immer geträumt hat. Da erleidet sein Vater einen Schlaganfall und Jorge, der sich daran schuldig fühlt, gibt seine Träume auf, um ihn zu pflegen und dessen Hausmeisterposten zu übernehmen. In dieser Krise eröffnet ihm sein inhaftierter Bruder Antonio (Antonio de la Torre) ein unmoralisches Angebot: Er soll seine Gefängnisgefährtin Paula (Marta Etura) schwängern, weil er selbst zeugungsunfähig ist. Jorge verliebt sich in die seelenverwandte Grazie.
Mit drei Goyas bedachtes, stimmungsvolles spanisches Arthaus-Drama von Debütant Daniel Sanchez Arevalo, der zwischen Melancholie und Leichtigkeit den titelgebenden Seelenzustand von Großstadtmenschen beschreibt sowie ihre Verunsicherungen, Sehnsüchte, Grenzen.
Jorge is a young man whose plans for the future are put on hold when his father has a stroke. For seven years, he diligently nurses his father and works as a janitor while studying part time to get a business degree.When Natalia, his childhood crush, returns from a stint studying abroad, Jorge begins to yearn for something better. He is desperate to find a new and better job, but finds that no one will hire him because he has experience only as a janitor. Antonio, Jorge’s older brother, soon to be released from jail, is an opportunist who has never gotten along with their father. In prison, at a theater workshop, Antonio meets Paula, a beautiful young woman in jail on drug charges. Paula has a problem because she flirted with another inmate's boyfriend.
Jorge is a young man whose plans for the future are put on hold when his father has a stroke. For seven years, he diligently nurses his father and works as a janitor while studying part time to get a business degree.When Natalia, his childhood crush, returns from a stint studying abroad, Jorge begins to yearn for something better. He is desperate to find a new and better job, but finds that no one will hire him because he has experience only as a janitor. Antonio, Jorge’s older brother, soon to be released from jail, is an opportunist who has never gotten along with their father. In prison, at a theater workshop, Antonio meets Paula, a beautiful young woman in jail on drug charges. Paula has a problem because she flirted with another inmate's boyfriend.