Easy Money 3
Jens JonssonSchauspieler:
Matias Varela, Joel Kinnaman, Martin Wallström, Malin Buska, Dejan Čukić, Čedomir Đorđević, Madeleine Martin, Saša Petrović, Mats Andersson, Pablo Leiva Wenger, Maja Kin, Hamdija Causevic, Jean-Paul LucassonJW (Joel Kinnaman) lebt mittlerweile im Exil. Doch er ist nach wie vor dazu entschlossen, seine vermisste Schwester Camilla (Maja Christenson) zu finden. Die Spur führt ihn in die Welt des organisierten Verbrechens von Stockholm. Inzwischen steht Jorge (Matias Varela) kurz davor, den größten Raubüberfall seiner Karriere und in Schwedens Geschichte zu begehen. Doch während seiner Vorbereitungen trifft er auf eine Frau aus seiner Vergangenheit - Nadja (Madeleine Martin). Martin Hägerström (Martin Wallström) wurde dafür ausgewählt, um undercover bei einer der größten Verbrecherorganisationen einzutauchen, um Radovan (Dejan Cukic), den Kopf der Gruppierung, dingfest zu machen.
JW now lives in exile and is more than ever determined to find out what happened to his missing sister Camilla. Every trace leads him to the world of organized crime in Stockholm. Jorge is about to do his last score - the largest robbery in Swedish history. But during the complicated preparations he meets a woman from his past - Nadja. Martin Hägerström is chosen to go undercover into the Serbian mafia, in order to get its notorious boss Radovan Krajnic behind bars. When an assassination attempt is made on Radovan, his daughter Natalie is pulled into the power struggle within the Serbian mafia.
JW now lives in exile and is more than ever determined to find out what happened to his missing sister Camilla. Every trace leads him to the world of organized crime in Stockholm. Jorge is about to do his last score - the largest robbery in Swedish history. But during the complicated preparations he meets a woman from his past - Nadja. Martin Hägerström is chosen to go undercover into the Serbian mafia, in order to get its notorious boss Radovan Krajnic behind bars. When an assassination attempt is made on Radovan, his daughter Natalie is pulled into the power struggle within the Serbian mafia.