Ein bisschen bleiben wir noch
Arash T. RiahiSchauspieler:
Anna Fenderl, Viktor Krüger, Christine OstermayerDie tschetschenischen Flüchtlingskinder Oskar und Lilli leben seit sechs Jahren in Österreich, aber sie haben noch immer kein dauerhaftes Bleiberecht. Als die Familie abgeschoben werden soll, unternimmt ihre psychisch labile Mutter einen Selbstmordversuch. Der versuchte Suizid bewirkt zwar einen Aufschub der Abschiebung, aber Oskar und Lilli werden von ihrer Mutter getrennt und vorerst bei verschiedenen Pflegeeltern untergebracht. Die beiden halten jedoch heimlich Kontakt und beschließen, die Mutter zu finden und gemeinsam zu fliehen.
Drama um zwei Flüchtlingskinder, die von ihrer Mutter getrennt in unter-schiedlichen Pflegefamilien unterkommen.
Chechen refugee children, Oskar (8) and Lilli (13), who have been living in Austria for six years, are about to be deported along with their mother. However, her sudden attempted suicide results not only in the short-term suspension of their deportation but also in the forced separation of the family. The children’s hope that they will be reunited with their mother is nourished by their love for each other and challenges all bureaucratic obstacles with passion and poetry. A bittersweet odyssey about the many ways of perceiving the world around you in order to survive.
Chechen refugee children, Oskar (8) and Lilli (13), who have been living in Austria for six years, are about to be deported along with their mother. However, her sudden attempted suicide results not only in the short-term suspension of their deportation but also in the forced separation of the family. The children’s hope that they will be reunited with their mother is nourished by their love for each other and challenges all bureaucratic obstacles with passion and poetry. A bittersweet odyssey about the many ways of perceiving the world around you in order to survive.