Einer mit Herz
Francis Ford CoppolaSchauspieler:
Frederic Forrest, Teri Garr, Raúl Juliá, Nastassja Kinski, Lainie Kazan, Harry Dean Stanton, Allen Garfield, Jeff Hamlin, Italia Coppola, Carmine Coppola, Edward Blackoff, James Dean, Rebecca De Mornay, Javier Grajeda, Cynthia Kania, Monica ScattiniAusgerechnet am fünften Jahrestag seiner Beziehung gerät das in Las Vegas lebende Paar Hank und Frannie in einen großen Streit. Obwohl ihre Freunde versuchen, beschwichtigend einzugreifen, beschließen sie, sich zu trennen. Schon bald finden beide neue Partner: Frannie wird von dem charmanten Sänger und Kellner Ray umgarnt, Hank trifft die attraktive Zirkusartistin Leila. Doch haben beide mit diesen Künstlern wirklich das große Glück gefunden?
Francis Ford Coppolas misslungener Versuch, ein romantisches Musical mit modernsten technischen Möglichkeiten zu inszenieren.
Hank and Frannie don't seem to be able to live together anymore. After a five-year relationship, lustful and dreamy Frannie leaves down-to-earth Hank on the anniversary of their relationship. Each one of them meets their dream mate, but as bright as they may seem, they are but a stage of lights and colors. Will true love prevail over a seemingly glamorous passion?
Hank and Frannie don't seem to be able to live together anymore. After a five-year relationship, lustful and dreamy Frannie leaves down-to-earth Hank on the anniversary of their relationship. Each one of them meets their dream mate, but as bright as they may seem, they are but a stage of lights and colors. Will true love prevail over a seemingly glamorous passion?