Es war einmal... Die Prinzessin auf der Erbse
Kathleen MarshallSchauspieler:
Carol Burnett, Tracey Ullman, Denis O'Hare, Zooey Deschanel, Matthew Morrison, Michael Boatman, Tom Smothers, Edward Hibbert, Shailene Woodley, Brittany GrayGrelle, theatralische und ziemlich durchgeknallte Märchen-adaption mit eingedeutschten Songs. US-Comedy-Legende Carol Burnett schockt als Königin Aggravain mit schrillen Outfits.
Queen Aggravain has ruled that none may marry until her son, Prince Dauntless marries. However, she has managed to sabotage every princess that come along. When Sir Harry and Lady Larken learn that they are going to be parents, wed or not, he goes off to the swamps and brings back Princess Winnifred ("Fred" to her friends).
Queen Aggravain has ruled that none may marry until her son, Prince Dauntless marries. However, she has managed to sabotage every princess that come along. When Sir Harry and Lady Larken learn that they are going to be parents, wed or not, he goes off to the swamps and brings back Princess Winnifred ("Fred" to her friends).