Outside the Wire
Mikael HåfströmSchauspieler:
Anthony Mackie, Pilou Asbæk, Emily Beecham, Michael Kelly, Damson Idris, Kristina Tonteri-Young, Bobby Lockwood, Enzo Cilenti, Velibor Topic, Brady Dowad, Henry Garrett, Alexandra Szucs, Nick Wittman, Adam Fielding, Elliot Edusah, Christine Grace SzarkoIn einem Kriegsgebiet der Zukunft sollen ein Drohnenpilot und ein Androiden-Offizier, dessen wahre Identität streng geheim ist, gemeinsam einen Atomangriff verhindern.
In the near future, a drone pilot is sent into a deadly militarized zone and must work with an android officer to locate a doomsday device.
In the near future, a drone pilot is sent into a deadly militarized zone and must work with an android officer to locate a doomsday device.