Eyeborgs - Nichts ist, wie es scheint
Richard ClabaughSchauspieler:
Adrian Paul, Megan Blake, Lucas Elliot Eberl, Emad Aly, Dale Girard, Mikey Wiseman, John S. Rushton, Kat Munday, Devin McGee, Danny Trejo, Aaron Mowrer, Julie Horner, April Turner, Juan-Carlos Guzman, Robert Westley, David SchifterNach einem zweiten 9/11 hat die amerikanische Regierung das ODIN-Programm gestartet, ein landesweites Überwachungsnetz aus kleinen und großen Robotern, die mit ihren Kameras alles und jeden aufzeichnen. Als Homeland Security Agent Reynolds einige tödliche Unfälle untersucht, entdeckt er, dass die Maschinen morden und Spuren wie Mitwisser beseitigen. Mit der Journalistin Hawkins und dem Punker Jarett, dem Neffen des Präsidenten, gehen sie gegen die Politik seines Onkels vor.
Are government surveillance cameras intended to keep us safe actually killing people? Is it a plot by the government to suppress the opposition, or have our terrorist enemies secretly gained control of our security system and are now using it against us? Following another major terrorist attack the US instigates an intense government surveillance program in which every camera in the country is linked into a single, all-seeing network called the ODIN system (for Optical Defense Intelligence Network). The system includes millions of mobile, robotic surveillance cameras known as "Eyeborgs," which watch everyone for suspicious behavior, all in the name of security, law enforcement and keeping America safe. An agent for the Department of Homeland Security grows suspicious of the system after a series of odd murders in which the physical evidence doesn't match up to what the video records show. Now he must work outside the system to find out who is really controlling the Eyeborgs.
Are government surveillance cameras intended to keep us safe actually killing people? Is it a plot by the government to suppress the opposition, or have our terrorist enemies secretly gained control of our security system and are now using it against us? Following another major terrorist attack the US instigates an intense government surveillance program in which every camera in the country is linked into a single, all-seeing network called the ODIN system (for Optical Defense Intelligence Network). The system includes millions of mobile, robotic surveillance cameras known as "Eyeborgs," which watch everyone for suspicious behavior, all in the name of security, law enforcement and keeping America safe. An agent for the Department of Homeland Security grows suspicious of the system after a series of odd murders in which the physical evidence doesn't match up to what the video records show. Now he must work outside the system to find out who is really controlling the Eyeborgs.