Falling Down – Ein ganz normaler Tag
Joel SchumacherSchauspieler:
Michael Douglas, Robert Duvall, Barbara Hershey, Rachel Ticotin, Frederic Forrest, Tuesday Weld, Raymond J. Barry, John Diehl, D.W. Moffett, Richard Montoya, Steve Park, Kimberly Scott, Lois Smith, Joey Hope Singer, Ebbe Roe Smith, Michael Paul ChanMitten im Stau von der Arbeit auf dem Weg nach Hause platzt einem Durchschnittstypen der Kragen. Er läßt sein Auto stehen und beginnt einen lawinenartigen Amoklauf, der mit jeder einzelnen Station an Intensität gewinnt, durch Los Angeles. Cop Prendergast verfolgt die Spur der Zerstörung und muß feststellen, daß er einer tickenden Zeitbombe auf der Spur ist. D-Fens - so nennt Prendergast den Mann nach seinem Nummernschild - befindet sich auf direktemWeg zu seiner ehemaligen Frau.
On the day of his daughter's birthday, William "D-Fens" Foster is trying to get to the home of his estranged ex-wife to see his daughter. His car breaks down, so he leaves his car in a traffic jam in Los Angeles and decides to walk. He goes to a convenience store and tries to get some change for a phone call, but the Korean owner does not oblige, tipping Foster over the edge. The unstable Foster, so frustrated with the various flaws he sees in society, begins to psychotically and violently lash out against them.
On the day of his daughter's birthday, William "D-Fens" Foster is trying to get to the home of his estranged ex-wife to see his daughter. His car breaks down, so he leaves his car in a traffic jam in Los Angeles and decides to walk. He goes to a convenience store and tries to get some change for a phone call, but the Korean owner does not oblige, tipping Foster over the edge. The unstable Foster, so frustrated with the various flaws he sees in society, begins to psychotically and violently lash out against them.