J.M. LoganSchauspieler:
Dave Fennoy, Renée Humphrey, Boyd Kestner, Tanner Richie, Joe Russo, Durek Verett, Kristen Rajterowski, Christine Regan, Ryan Oliver, Lewis Wilbur, Michael Pritchard, Ryan Meyer, Kimberly Havins, Jeff Havins, Christopher McCaffertyBei ihrer Flucht vor dem Gesetz lässt sich die Kleinkriminelle Jean als Tramperin von einem vorbeifahrenden Auto mitnehmen. So gerät sie an einen Vater und einen Sohn, die sie nun auf deren Autotrip begleitet. Als Jean jedoch realisiert, dass nicht so ist, wie es scheint, kommt es zu einer dramatischen Wendung. Sie muss eine folgenschwere Entscheidung treffen, die sie entweder ins Gefängnis bringen oder das Leben eines unschuldigen Jungen kosten wird.
When Eldon and Cole pick up a hitchhiker, Jean on their father-son trip to find perspective on the back roads of America, they quickly learn that everything is not what it seems. As the road unfolds in front of them, so do their lives begin to intertwine. A small-time crook on the run, an ex-cop and his quiet ten-year-old son begin to bond together - at least until the secrets begin slipping out. Before Jean can figure out what is really going on, she finds herself already trapped in a spiraling nightmare where she will have to make a choice between turning her back on a little boy who needs her help, or sacrificing herself and going back to jail.
When Eldon and Cole pick up a hitchhiker, Jean on their father-son trip to find perspective on the back roads of America, they quickly learn that everything is not what it seems. As the road unfolds in front of them, so do their lives begin to intertwine. A small-time crook on the run, an ex-cop and his quiet ten-year-old son begin to bond together - at least until the secrets begin slipping out. Before Jean can figure out what is really going on, she finds herself already trapped in a spiraling nightmare where she will have to make a choice between turning her back on a little boy who needs her help, or sacrificing herself and going back to jail.