Fast Food Family - Eine Familie zum Quietschen
Stephen HerekSchauspieler:
Christina Applegate, Joanna Cassidy, Josh Charles, Keith Coogan, John Getz, Concetta Tomei, Christopher Pettiet, Danielle Harris, Robert Hy Gorman, Eda Reiss Merin, David Duchovny, Sydney Lassick, Kimmy Robertson, Jayne BrookGroße Freude bei den Crandell-Sprößlingen, als sich ihre Mutter zum Erholungsurlaub nach Übersee absetzt. Sue Ellen und ihre Geschwister wollen die neue Freiheit genießen. Doch da taucht eine Babysitterin auf, die jedoch kurz darauf einem Herzinfarkt erliegt. Jetzt heisst es Geld verdienen.
Sue Ellen Crandell is a teenager eagerly awaiting her mother's summer-long absence. While the babysitter looks after her rambunctious younger siblings, Sue Ellen can party and have fun. But then the babysitter abruptly dies, leaving the Crandells short on cash. Sue Ellen finds a sweet job in fashion by lying about her age and experience on her résumé. But, while her siblings run wild, she discovers the downside of adulthood
Sue Ellen Crandell is a teenager eagerly awaiting her mother's summer-long absence. While the babysitter looks after her rambunctious younger siblings, Sue Ellen can party and have fun. But then the babysitter abruptly dies, leaving the Crandells short on cash. Sue Ellen finds a sweet job in fashion by lying about her age and experience on her résumé. But, while her siblings run wild, she discovers the downside of adulthood