Flucht in Ketten
Stanley KramerSchauspieler:
Claude Akins, Sidney Poitier, Lon Chaney Jr., Charles McGraw, Tony Curtis, Whit Bissell, King Donovan, Lawrence Dobkin, Cara Williams, Theodore Bikel, Carl 'Alfalfa' Switzer, Kevin CoughlinJackson und Noah sind Gefangene in einem Arbeitslager und misstrauisch aufeinander. Jackson verachtet den "Nigger" Noah. Als sich eine Gelegenheit zur Flucht bietet, nehmen sie sie wahr, aber sie sind durch eine Kette aneinander gefesselt. Versuche, die Kette los zu werden, scheitern. Während der Flucht überwinden sie langsam ihre rassistischen Vorurteile, werden Freunde. Als sie sich doch befreien können, verzichten sie auf weitere Flucht und warten auf das Suchkommando.
Das packende Abenteuerdrama um eine gefährliche Flucht wurde von Regisseur und Produzent Stanley Kramer mit deutlichem Engagement als Absage an Rassismus konzipiert und kreist um die Themen Vorurteile, Schuld, Sühne, Freundschaft. Es besticht durch die schauspielerischen Glanzleistungen von Sidney Poitier, Wegbereiter für Schwarze in Film und Fernsehen, und Tony Curtis, Frauenschwarm der 50er, beide Oscar-nominiert. Neun Oscar-Nominierungen, zwei Oscars (Original-Drehbuch und Schwarzweißkamera).
When the truck that is transporting convicts has an accident on the road, the inmates John "Joker" Jackson and Noah Cullen that are chained to each other escape. They hate each other but they need to help each other to succeed in their intent of going north to jump in a train and reach freedom. Meanwhile the humane Sheriff Max Muller organizes a posse to track them down in a civilized manner and respecting justice. Joker and Cullen reach a small farm where a lonely woman helps them to get rid of their chains. She offers to drive her car with Joker and her son Billy while Cullen would escape through the swamp to the railroad. But when Joker learns that she sent Cullen to a trap, he leaves her and is shot in the shoulder by Billy. Joker seeks out Cullen to save him and when they meet each other, their former hatred has changed to friendship and respect.
When the truck that is transporting convicts has an accident on the road, the inmates John "Joker" Jackson and Noah Cullen that are chained to each other escape. They hate each other but they need to help each other to succeed in their intent of going north to jump in a train and reach freedom. Meanwhile the humane Sheriff Max Muller organizes a posse to track them down in a civilized manner and respecting justice. Joker and Cullen reach a small farm where a lonely woman helps them to get rid of their chains. She offers to drive her car with Joker and her son Billy while Cullen would escape through the swamp to the railroad. But when Joker learns that she sent Cullen to a trap, he leaves her and is shot in the shoulder by Billy. Joker seeks out Cullen to save him and when they meet each other, their former hatred has changed to friendship and respect.