Xavier GensSchauspieler:
Aurélien Wiik, Samuel Le Bihan, Estelle Lefébure, Adel Bencherif, Karina Testa, David Saracino, Chems Dahmani, Rosine Favey, Maud Forget, Amélie Daure, Joël Lefrançois, Patrick Ligardes, Jean-Pierre Jorris, Stéphane Jacquot, Christine CulerierVier junge Leute aus der Pariser Trabantenvorstadt haben die traditionellen Unruhen für einen Raubzug genutzt und dabei auf Polizisten geschossen. Jetzt fliehen sie aus der Hauptstadt, wo der Boden für sie zu heiß geworden ist, Richtung Holland und steigen für die Nacht in einer wenig vertrauenerweckenden Spelunke nahe der Grenze ab. Dort führt eine degenerierte Nazisippe ein Schreckensregiment. Gäste aber sind willkommen - im Falle der Herren zum Verzehr, im Falle der Damen zur Auffrischung des Blutes.
Die Franzosen lassen die Sau raus. In der Tradition von Splatter-Attacken wie "High Tension" und "Inside" geht auch Xavier Gans in seinem verstörenden Regiedebüt zu Werke, das die Intensität eines "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" mit politischer Sprengkraft - Neo-Nazis vs. Immigranten - vermengt. Das Ergebnis ist ein in gehetzte Bilder gegossener Albtraum, der dem Zuschauer alles abverlangt. Und so gelungen ist, dass Gans daraufhin nach Hollywood geladen wurde, um den aktuellen Actionhit "Hitman" zu inszenieren.
In Paris, during the riots due to the election of a conservative candidate to the presidency of France, a group of four muslim small-time criminal teenagers from the periphery; Alex, Tom, Farid, the pregnant Yasmine, and her brother Sami, plan to run away from Paris to Amsterdam with a bag full of robbed money. However, Sami is shot and the group split up, with Alex and Yasmine going to the emergency hospital with Sami while Tom and Farid head to the border with the money. Tom and Farid decide to stop in a bed and breakfast nearby the frontier, and are hosted by Gilberte and Klaudia that offer free room and sex to the newcomers. They call Alex and Yasmine who are fleeing from Paris to join them in the inn. But soon they discover that their hosts are sadistic cannibals of a Nazi family led by the deranged patriarch and former SS officer and Nazi war criminal Le Von Geisler who plans to make Yasmine the brood mare for a new Aryan master race.
In Paris, during the riots due to the election of a conservative candidate to the presidency of France, a group of four muslim small-time criminal teenagers from the periphery; Alex, Tom, Farid, the pregnant Yasmine, and her brother Sami, plan to run away from Paris to Amsterdam with a bag full of robbed money. However, Sami is shot and the group split up, with Alex and Yasmine going to the emergency hospital with Sami while Tom and Farid head to the border with the money. Tom and Farid decide to stop in a bed and breakfast nearby the frontier, and are hosted by Gilberte and Klaudia that offer free room and sex to the newcomers. They call Alex and Yasmine who are fleeing from Paris to join them in the inn. But soon they discover that their hosts are sadistic cannibals of a Nazi family led by the deranged patriarch and former SS officer and Nazi war criminal Le Von Geisler who plans to make Yasmine the brood mare for a new Aryan master race.