Ginji - Der Schlächter
Takeshi MiyasakaSchauspieler:
Isao Natsuyagi, Renji Ishibashi, Tsugumi, Akaji Maro, Masuko Tomoyuki, Riki Takeuchi, Shingo Tsurumi, Masakatsu FunakiNach 50 Jahren Haft kommt Soldat Ginji aus dem Gefängnis frei. Einige Jahre nach Kriegsende tötete er aus Rache gegen seinen einstigen Verbündeten Kuroda mehrere Dutzend Menschen. Nun wieder frei wird Ginji von allen Seiten beobachtet: von Kuroda, der mittlerweile ein mächtiger Politiker ist, von dessen Gegnern und von einer Reporterin. Ein junger Südkoreaner freundet sich mit dem wortkargen alten Mann an, nichts ahnend von dessen Vergangenheit, Fähigkeiten und Gegnern...
"In 1945, when Japan surrended, Ginji Sonezaki saw no hope in the future, and tried to commit suicide but he was saved by Kuroda, his superior officer. In the post WWII period, Ginji helped Kuroda's business but in 1953, Ginji got extremely upset with what Kuroda was doing in his black market business and went on a violent rampage with his samurai sword, killing almost all of Kurodas men. This incident makes him known as 'Hitorkiri Ginji' (Ginji the Slasher). Ginji was imprisoned... 50 years later, Ginji is released from jail. He begins to live among the homeless people, keeping his identity secret but dwelling on the past. Meanwhile, Kuroda has become an important figure behind the politics, he keeps his eyes on Ginji who knows his past too much" http://www.minotaur.com.au/site.asp?action=detail&ID=981650
"In 1945, when Japan surrended, Ginji Sonezaki saw no hope in the future, and tried to commit suicide but he was saved by Kuroda, his superior officer. In the post WWII period, Ginji helped Kuroda's business but in 1953, Ginji got extremely upset with what Kuroda was doing in his black market business and went on a violent rampage with his samurai sword, killing almost all of Kurodas men. This incident makes him known as 'Hitorkiri Ginji' (Ginji the Slasher). Ginji was imprisoned... 50 years later, Ginji is released from jail. He begins to live among the homeless people, keeping his identity secret but dwelling on the past. Meanwhile, Kuroda has become an important figure behind the politics, he keeps his eyes on Ginji who knows his past too much" http://www.minotaur.com.au/site.asp?action=detail&ID=981650