Glam Gore
François Gaillard, Christophe RobinSchauspieler:
Aurélie Godefroy, Anna Naigeon, Julie Baron, Guillaume Beylard, Michel Coste, Elina Calmels, Antony Cinturino, Agathe Daviron, Jeanne Dessart, Yannis El Hadji, Ioanna Imbert, Marina Kolesnikova, Jeanne Leturnier, Sarah Lucide, Mariana OliveEine kleine Gruppe verbringt ein Lust-orientiertes Wochenende in einem vom Familien-Fluch gesegnetem Herrenhaus, in dem sich ein sadistischer, rücksichtsloser Killer aufhält. Sie ahnen nicht, welch grausame Welle verstümmelnder Gewalt dort auf sie lauert ...
Five youngsters who just wanted to spend a nice weekend amongst friends in a manor will find a far less peaceful place than they expected when faced with a family curse and a sadistic ruthless killer. Blinded by their never-ending quest for carnal pleasures they will fail to perceive the flood of blunt violence about to engulf them.
Five youngsters who just wanted to spend a nice weekend amongst friends in a manor will find a far less peaceful place than they expected when faced with a family curse and a sadistic ruthless killer. Blinded by their never-ending quest for carnal pleasures they will fail to perceive the flood of blunt violence about to engulf them.