Headless Horseman
Anthony C. FerranteSchauspieler:
Billy Aaron Brown, Rebecca Mozo, Richard Moll, Arianne Fraser, Elizabeth Prestel, Brent Lydic, Vasile AlbinetSieben junge Leute nehmen auf dem Weg zu einer Halloween-Party eine verhängnisvolle Abkürzung und landen in einem seltsamen Dorf, wo sich alle wie im 19. Jahrhundert betragen und offenbar gerade ein Feiertag bevorsteht. Nur langsam und um den Preis gleich mehrerer Köpfe finden die jungen Leute aus der Stadt heraus, dass ihr Dörfchen unter dem Fluch eines untoten Serienkillers ächzt. Der schaut alle sieben Jahre vorbei und holt sich genau sieben Köpfe. Kein Wunder, dass jeder in der Stadt die Jugendlichen zum Bleiben überreden will.
Seven college kids take a shortcut on their way to a party and unfortunately end up in Wormwood – a "lost" town in the middle of nowhere. They find something strange and sinister happening there – bones and weird decorations line Main Street. The cause: local Wormwood legend says on All Hallows Eve one hundred years ago, a crazed man tortured the youngsters in town and then cut off their heads. In retaliation, the townspeople killed him by cutting off his head. Seeking revenge every seven years, he returns and takes seven heads from children in the town. Now the seven visitors find themselves hunted one by one as the Headless Horseman claims his due.
Seven college kids take a shortcut on their way to a party and unfortunately end up in Wormwood – a "lost" town in the middle of nowhere. They find something strange and sinister happening there – bones and weird decorations line Main Street. The cause: local Wormwood legend says on All Hallows Eve one hundred years ago, a crazed man tortured the youngsters in town and then cut off their heads. In retaliation, the townspeople killed him by cutting off his head. Seeking revenge every seven years, he returns and takes seven heads from children in the town. Now the seven visitors find themselves hunted one by one as the Headless Horseman claims his due.