Honecker und der Pastor
Jan Josef LiefersSchauspieler:
Edgar Selge, Hans-Uwe Bauer, Barbara Schnitzler, Steffi Kühnert, Axel Prahl, Ilja Bultmann, Luca Gugolz, Stephan Grossmann, Oscar Ortega Sánchez, Pauline Knof, Levi Eisenblätter, Kurt Krömer, Anna Loos, Jörg Gudzuhn, Luzia Oppermann, Brigitte Wähner-LiefersJanuar 1990: Nachdem Mauerfall sind Erich und Margot Honecker praktisch obdachlos, denn die Regierungssiedlung in Wandlitz wurde aufgelöst. Die Modrow-Regierung bietet dem ehemaligen Diktatorenpaar keinen Schutz. Einzig beim evangelischen Pastor Uwe Holmer und seiner Familie, die, wie viele andere, unter dem DDR-Regime gelitten haben, finden die Honeckers Zuflucht.
Vor dem Pfarrhaus kommt es zu heftigen Demonstrationen, so dass Pastor Holmer und seine Frau sich persönlich den gewaltbereiten Demonstranten in den Weg stellen müssen. Der halbherzige Versuch der Regierung Modrow, das Ehepaar Honecker im März 1990 in einem staatlichen Ferienheim in Lindow unterzubringen, scheitert an massiven politischen Protesten und tätlichen Angriffen auf die Wagenkolonne. Wieder nehmen die Holmers das Ehepaar auf.
January 1990: After they got deposed and the fall of the wall, Erich and Margot Honecker are virtually homeless. Because the government housing estate in Wandlitz got dissolved. The Modrow government offers no protection to the former dictator couple. Solely the protestant pastor Uwe Holmer and his family, who, like many others, have suffered under the GDR regime, offer the Honeckers refuge. In front of the parsonage, fierce protests take place, so that Pastor Holmer and his wife have to personally obstruct the primed for violence protestors. The half-hearted attempt of the Modrow government to accommodate the Honeckers in a state-own vacation home in March 1990 fails due to massive political protests and violent attacks against the motorcade. Once again, the Holmers have to take the couple in. All in all, for 10 weeks, the staunch socialists and the devout Christians are living under one roof in the parsonage.
January 1990: After they got deposed and the fall of the wall, Erich and Margot Honecker are virtually homeless. Because the government housing estate in Wandlitz got dissolved. The Modrow government offers no protection to the former dictator couple. Solely the protestant pastor Uwe Holmer and his family, who, like many others, have suffered under the GDR regime, offer the Honeckers refuge. In front of the parsonage, fierce protests take place, so that Pastor Holmer and his wife have to personally obstruct the primed for violence protestors. The half-hearted attempt of the Modrow government to accommodate the Honeckers in a state-own vacation home in March 1990 fails due to massive political protests and violent attacks against the motorcade. Once again, the Holmers have to take the couple in. All in all, for 10 weeks, the staunch socialists and the devout Christians are living under one roof in the parsonage.