Stanley DonenSchauspieler:
David Kossoff, Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergman, Cecil Parker, Phyllis Calvert, Megs JenkinsSchauspielerin Anna Klamn ist reich, unabhängig und berühmt, aber unverheiratet. Sie verliebt sich trotz moralischer Bedenken in Philip, einen amerikanischen Diplomaten, der offensichtlich nur eine Sorge hat, nämlich wie er sich am besten von seiner Frau scheiden lassen kann. Dann aber stellt sich heraus, dass Philip gar nicht verheiratet ist, und Annas Zorn steigert sich ins Unermessliche.
Die Liebesbeziehung einer Schauspielerin in London mit einem verheirateten Diplomaten birgt eine Menge Probleme...
Anna Kalman is a London based actress. She has been unable to find love in her life. The reason why she came home early from a vacation to Majorca fits into that theme, as the man she met there and was initially attracted to ended up not being who she thought he was as a man. Upon her arrival home, she meets the suave Philip Adams, a financier who is a work acquaintance of her brother-in-law, diplomat Alfred Munson. Philip initially states that there is no Mrs. Adams in his life. But when Anna later asks him out, he clarifies that statement in that there is no Mrs. Adams in London, as she is at home in San Francisco. Regardless, Anna decides still to ask him on the date she had intended to the ballet. He accepts, letting her know that whatever happens between the two of them that he will never be able to leave his wife. As time goes on, the two fall in love, their happiness which can only be sustained as long as Philip has his Paris-based contract with NATO. So when Philip announces ...
Anna Kalman is a London based actress. She has been unable to find love in her life. The reason why she came home early from a vacation to Majorca fits into that theme, as the man she met there and was initially attracted to ended up not being who she thought he was as a man. Upon her arrival home, she meets the suave Philip Adams, a financier who is a work acquaintance of her brother-in-law, diplomat Alfred Munson. Philip initially states that there is no Mrs. Adams in his life. But when Anna later asks him out, he clarifies that statement in that there is no Mrs. Adams in London, as she is at home in San Francisco. Regardless, Anna decides still to ask him on the date she had intended to the ballet. He accepts, letting her know that whatever happens between the two of them that he will never be able to leave his wife. As time goes on, the two fall in love, their happiness which can only be sustained as long as Philip has his Paris-based contract with NATO. So when Philip announces ...