Jenseits der Hügel
Cristian MungiuSchauspieler:
Luminita Gheorghiu, Doru Ana, Cosmina Stratan, Cristina Flutur, Valeriu Andriuta, Dana Tapalaga, Catalina Harabagiu, Gina Tandura, Vica Agache, Nora Covali, Dionisie Vitcu, Ionut Ghinea, Liliana Mocanu, Costache Babii, Alina BerzunteanuDie Tage scheinen sich zu gleichen in einem entlegenen Kloster in Rumänien, wo ein Priester und eine Gruppe von Nonnen ein Leben in Armut und Bescheidenheit führen. Trotz aller Beschwerlichkeit sind sie zufrieden mit ihrer Existenz. Unruhe kommt in den Verband, als die Freundin einer jungen Nonne auftaucht. Die Mädchen waren gemeinsam im Waisenhaus, ihre Freundschaft war wohl etwas enger als üblich. Nun hofft das Mädchen, ihre Freundin von einst zum Verlassen des Konvents überreden zu können. Alsbald entgleist die Situation.
Beklemmendes Glaubensdrama nach wahren Begebenheiten, in dem ein junges Mädchen in einem entlegenen Kloster den Verdacht erweckt, sie könne besessen sein.
Alina and Voichita have been friends since their orphanage days. And they have been lovers since they became sexually mature. But despite their oath of mutual fidelity, Alina, who could not bear poverty any more, emigrated to Germany where she became a barmaid. Now she just could not take the estrangement from Voichita and today she is back to Romania with a view to taking Voichita along with her to Germany. The only trouble is that in the meantime her girlfriend has betrayed her in falling in love with... God! Voichita indeed now lives in a convent where she plans to make vows. The priest agrees, if somewhat reluctantly, to accommodate Alina before their (hypothetical) departure. He sees all too well that not only is the young woman materialistic but hostile and troublesome as well...
Alina and Voichita have been friends since their orphanage days. And they have been lovers since they became sexually mature. But despite their oath of mutual fidelity, Alina, who could not bear poverty any more, emigrated to Germany where she became a barmaid. Now she just could not take the estrangement from Voichita and today she is back to Romania with a view to taking Voichita along with her to Germany. The only trouble is that in the meantime her girlfriend has betrayed her in falling in love with... God! Voichita indeed now lives in a convent where she plans to make vows. The priest agrees, if somewhat reluctantly, to accommodate Alina before their (hypothetical) departure. He sees all too well that not only is the young woman materialistic but hostile and troublesome as well...