K-20 - Die Legende der schwarzen Maske
Shimako SatoSchauspieler:
Takeshi Kaneshiro, Takako Matsu, Toru Nakamura, Kanata Hongo, Jun Kunimura, Imai Yuki, Fumiyo Kohinata, Takeshi Kaga, Kyusaku Shimada, Kazuyoshi Kushida, Jun Kaname, Yutaka Matsushige, Reiko Takashima, Tôru Masuoka, Hideji Ôtaki, Hana KinoIn einem fiktiven Japan des Jahres 1949 hat der Zweite Weltkrieg nicht stattgefunden. Stattdessen regiert eine kleine Kaste von Wohlhabenden diktatorisch über ein großes Heer von armen Schluckern, und es gibt in der Politik kaum eine Tendenz, an diesem Zustand zu rütteln. Gute Bedingungen also für einen maskierten Superhelden/Terroristen, der in tollkühnen Aktionen den Reichen nimmt und den Armen gibt. Die Polizei verdächtigt den Zirkusartisten Endo, jener ominöse K-20 zu sein, und Endo bleibt nichts übrig, als seine Unschuld auf eigene Faust zu beweisen.
In an alternate version of 1949 Japan in which World War II never happened, the Japanese capital of Teito is home to both an ultra rich upper class and the dirt poor masses. The city is thrown into a state of panic when a phantom thief called “The Kaijin (Fiend) with 20 Faces” (K-20 for short) begins to use his mysterious abilities to steal from the rich and give to the poor. One day a circus acrobat named Heikichi Endo (Takeshi Kaneshiro) is framed for K-20’s crimes and becomes determined to clear his name. He teams up with K-20’s next target, a wealthy duchess named Yoko Hashiba (Takako Matsu) and her detective fiancé (Toru Nakamura), to take K-20 down once and for all.
In an alternate version of 1949 Japan in which World War II never happened, the Japanese capital of Teito is home to both an ultra rich upper class and the dirt poor masses. The city is thrown into a state of panic when a phantom thief called “The Kaijin (Fiend) with 20 Faces” (K-20 for short) begins to use his mysterious abilities to steal from the rich and give to the poor. One day a circus acrobat named Heikichi Endo (Takeshi Kaneshiro) is framed for K-20’s crimes and becomes determined to clear his name. He teams up with K-20’s next target, a wealthy duchess named Yoko Hashiba (Takako Matsu) and her detective fiancé (Toru Nakamura), to take K-20 down once and for all.