Katies Sehnsucht
Steven Kampmann, William PorterSchauspieler:
Mark Harmon, Jodie Foster, Blair Brown, William McNamara, Jonathan Silverman, Harold Ramis, Richard Jenkins, Beth Broderick, Miriam Flynn, Patrick McDade, Brooke Stacy Mills, Helen Hunt, Jane Brucker, John Shea, Christine Jones, Ted RossDer Tod seiner Jugendfreundin Katie bringt den gestrandeten Baseballspieler Billy Wyatt zurück in die alte Heimat. Während er überlegt, was er mit der ihm anvertrauten Asche der Verstorbenen anfangen soll, schicken ihn seine Erinnerungen zurück in gemeinsame Tage mit Katie und seine Anfänge als Spieler. Dabei besinnt er sich auf seine Stärken und findet wieder einmal mit Katies Hilfe zurück zu seinem Sport.
Billy Wyatt (Harmon), a former high school and minor-league baseball baseball player receives a telephone call from his mother revealing that his former child-sitter, and later in his teens, his first love, Katie Chandler (Foster), has died. Wyatt returns home to deal with this tragedy reminescing over his childhood growing up with his father, Katie and best friend Alan Appleby.
Billy Wyatt (Harmon), a former high school and minor-league baseball baseball player receives a telephone call from his mother revealing that his former child-sitter, and later in his teens, his first love, Katie Chandler (Foster), has died. Wyatt returns home to deal with this tragedy reminescing over his childhood growing up with his father, Katie and best friend Alan Appleby.