Kesselschlacht in der Normandie
Tino StruckmannSchauspieler:
Tino Struckmann, Damian Chapa, Claudia Crawford, Jack Dimich, Cole Schaefer, John Courtney, Leslie Mills, Buck Brown, William Doc Golliher, Steve Effler, Christian Brown, John s Barnett, Doug Effler, Mike Booker, Mike Volker LipeHauptmann Müller hatte eine harte Zeit an der Ostfront und ist nun nach leichter Verwundung nicht unbedingt traurig darüber, in der vergleichsweise ruhigen Normandie unter Marschall Rommel weiterkämpfen zu dürfen. Zumal sich dort auch seine große Liebe Klaudia in ihrer Funktion als Krankenschwester befindet. Mit der Ruhe ist es indes bald vorbei. Erstens wegen der unmittelbar bevorstehenden Invasion der Alliierten. Zweitens, weil ein missgünstiger Gestapobulle Klaudia und ihren Vater ins Visier nimmt.
Tino Struckmann, dänischer Schauspieler mit Erstwohnsitz Hollywood, ehemaliges Mitglied (auch) deutscher Eliteeinheiten und gelernter Personenschützer, schneidert sich in Personalunion als Produzent, Regisseur und Autor einen actiongeladenen Low-Budget-Kriegsfilm auf den Leib und spielt selbst dessen Helden. Hat Panzerschlachten bei Tageslicht, ein paar schöne Kulissen und Damian Chapa ("El Padrino") als Gestapo-Offizier. Actionvielseher werden gut bedient.
Klaus Muller, a battle-hardened veteran, finds himself fighting for his life on the Russian front. Surrounded by overwhelming numbers of Russian tanks and planes, he and his men are doomed until famed German tank ace, Michael Wittmann, shows up in his Tiger Tank and saves the day. Once wounded, Klaus is transferred to Normandy to serve under Field Marshal Rommel just days before the Allied invasion. Much to his surprise, he finds that his beloved Klaudia is also stationed nearby as a field nurse. Unfortunately, so is her father, who is working with the French resistance and now finds himself pursued by the ruthless Gestapo officer Brahms, whose search leads him to Klaus and Klaudia attempting a rescue. They are caught and imprisoned. As D-Day begins and the Allies attack from the beaches and the sky, they escape from the prison, fighting the Gestapo in the middle of the biggest invasion in world history. We follow the D-Day invasion through the scared eyes of Sgt. Roberts whose path ...
Klaus Muller, a battle-hardened veteran, finds himself fighting for his life on the Russian front. Surrounded by overwhelming numbers of Russian tanks and planes, he and his men are doomed until famed German tank ace, Michael Wittmann, shows up in his Tiger Tank and saves the day. Once wounded, Klaus is transferred to Normandy to serve under Field Marshal Rommel just days before the Allied invasion. Much to his surprise, he finds that his beloved Klaudia is also stationed nearby as a field nurse. Unfortunately, so is her father, who is working with the French resistance and now finds himself pursued by the ruthless Gestapo officer Brahms, whose search leads him to Klaus and Klaudia attempting a rescue. They are caught and imprisoned. As D-Day begins and the Allies attack from the beaches and the sky, they escape from the prison, fighting the Gestapo in the middle of the biggest invasion in world history. We follow the D-Day invasion through the scared eyes of Sgt. Roberts whose path ...