Killer Expendables
Douglas S. YoungloveSchauspieler:
Ron Perlman, Richard Riehle, Armand Assante, Lin Shaye, Richard Portnow, Michael Adam Hamilton, Svetlana Efremova, Lee de Broux, Zachary Ray Sherman, Haley Hudson, Jason Hildebrandt, Ron McCoy, Joe Taylor, Corey Browne, Bill CookTeenager Owen träumt zuweilen von blutigen Verbrechen, während er schlafwandelt, bis er schreiend an fremden Orten erwacht. Owens Mutter hat deshalb schon einen bekannten Wissenschaftler konsultiert, der Owen nun genauer unter die Lupe nehmen wird. Keinen Tag zu früh, wie es scheint, denn seit Neuestem kommt es in der Gegend zu gewaltsamen Todesfällen. Unterdessen nimmt im Staatgefängnis ein paar Meilen weiter die Hinrichtung eines Serienkillers ihren Lauf. Eine Sache, die Owen mehr betreffen könnte, als dieser ahnt.
The troubled teenager Owen Whitmore has a sleep disorder and occasionally sleepwalks. Owen is having therapy sessions with Dr. Katherine Ramos. Having just joined the medical school, he has to move to another town, but he is divided between the college and his sweetheart, Maggie. His parents Leona and Walter Whitmore are very worried about him. When Owen has violent dreams, Dr. Ramos decides to consult with Dr. Jonas Julian, a specialist in dream analysis and sleep disorders. Meanwhile, people are protesting in front of the Townsend State Prison where the infamous serial killer Dr. Eugene "Mean Gene" Branch will be executed. Dr. Eugene is the son of another serial-killer and had performed sadistic medical experiments on his victims. Out of the blue, Marcia Freeman who went missing, is found dead in precisely the way that Owen saw in his dreams - the murder set up as if carried out by Dr. Branch.
The troubled teenager Owen Whitmore has a sleep disorder and occasionally sleepwalks. Owen is having therapy sessions with Dr. Katherine Ramos. Having just joined the medical school, he has to move to another town, but he is divided between the college and his sweetheart, Maggie. His parents Leona and Walter Whitmore are very worried about him. When Owen has violent dreams, Dr. Ramos decides to consult with Dr. Jonas Julian, a specialist in dream analysis and sleep disorders. Meanwhile, people are protesting in front of the Townsend State Prison where the infamous serial killer Dr. Eugene "Mean Gene" Branch will be executed. Dr. Eugene is the son of another serial-killer and had performed sadistic medical experiments on his victims. Out of the blue, Marcia Freeman who went missing, is found dead in precisely the way that Owen saw in his dreams - the murder set up as if carried out by Dr. Branch.