Kombat Sechzehn
Mirko BorschtSchauspieler:
Alice Dwyer, Florian Bartholomäi, Max Mauff, Adrian Topol, Ludwig Trepte, Errol Shaker, Falk Rockstroh, Christine Diensberg, Ali Hassan, Isabelle Mbarga, Tim Morten Uhlenbrock, Christoph Gerber, Petra Hartung, Maximilian Oelze, Marie-Luise HutzlerDer sechzehnjährige Georg (Florian Bartholomäi) ist frisch von Frankfurt am Main nach Frankfurt an der Oder gezogen, weil sein alleinerziehender Architektenvater vor Ort ein Einkaufszentrum hochziehen soll. Als aktiver Tae-Kwon-Do-Kämpfer mit Meisterschaftsambitionen weckt Georg das Interesse von Thomas (Ludwig Trepte), dem Anführer einer rechtsradikalen Clique. Bisher an Politik kaum interessiert, lässt sich Georg nach anfänglichem Zögern auf die Gang ein.
Im Gegensatz zur braunen Vergangenheit wird die aktuelle Naziszene von deutschen Filmschaffenden bislang eher zurückhaltend thematisiert. Umso wichtiger ist dieses als deutsche Antwort auf "American History X" apostrophierte Drama des Cottbuser Spielfilmdebütanten Mirko Borscht.
16 year-old Georg is forced to leave his home in the West, which means saying goodbye to his two loves; his girlfriend, and his Taekwondo team, something that is all-important to him. Now living in Cottbus, an economically depressed place where the people are not too fond of things like American culture and foreigners living in their country, Georg soon falls in with a group of angry mates. Together the group delves further into a nationalist way of thinking, and soon they are shaving their heads, and becoming a skinhead gang. "Kombat Sechzehn" features some impressive, proffessional looking fight sequences, as well as a memorable soundtrack.
16 year-old Georg is forced to leave his home in the West, which means saying goodbye to his two loves; his girlfriend, and his Taekwondo team, something that is all-important to him. Now living in Cottbus, an economically depressed place where the people are not too fond of things like American culture and foreigners living in their country, Georg soon falls in with a group of angry mates. Together the group delves further into a nationalist way of thinking, and soon they are shaving their heads, and becoming a skinhead gang. "Kombat Sechzehn" features some impressive, proffessional looking fight sequences, as well as a memorable soundtrack.