Kung Pow Enter the Fist
Steve OedekerkSchauspieler:
Fei Lung, Simon Rhee, Chi Ma, Chia Yung Liu, Leo Lee, Steve Oedekerk, Hui Lou Chen, Ling-Ling Hsieh, Lin Yan, Jennifer Tung, Ming Lo, Peggy Lu, Tad Horino, Tori Tran, Joon KimDer Auserwählte (Steve Oedekerk) durchstreift das antike China, muss sich aber immer wieder gegen Horden von Fieslingen zur Wehr setzen, die ihn umbringen wollen. Diese sind Schergen des fiesen Betty (Fei Lung), der früher Master Pain hieß. Mit Betty hat der Auserwählte noch eine Rechnung offen, da dieser die Familie des Auserwählten ermordete und so macht er sich auf die Suche nach dem Fiesling...
Kung Pow: Enter the Fist is a movie within a movie, created to spoof the martial arts genre. Writer/director Steve Oedekerk uses contemporary characters and splices them into a 1970s kung-fu film, weaving the new and old together. As the main character, The Chosen One, Oedekerk sets off to avenge the deaths of his parents at the hands of kung-fu legend Master Pain. Along the way, he encounters some strange characters, one of which is a cow trained in the martial arts.
Kung Pow: Enter the Fist is a movie within a movie, created to spoof the martial arts genre. Writer/director Steve Oedekerk uses contemporary characters and splices them into a 1970s kung-fu film, weaving the new and old together. As the main character, The Chosen One, Oedekerk sets off to avenge the deaths of his parents at the hands of kung-fu legend Master Pain. Along the way, he encounters some strange characters, one of which is a cow trained in the martial arts.