L.I.S.A. - Der helle Wahnsinn
John HughesSchauspieler:
Robert Downey Jr., Bill Paxton, Vernon Wells, Michael Berryman, Anthony Michael Hall, Kelly LeBrock, Judie Aronson, Robert Rusler, Ilan Mitchell-Smith, Suzanne Snyder, Britt Leach, Barbara Lang, Ivor Barry, Ann Coyle, Suzy J. KellemsGary und Wyatt sind die Prototypen unbeliebter Teenager, für die eigentlich keine Chance besteht, jemals auch nur in die Nähe eines attraktiven Mädchens zu gelangen. Die Lage ändert sich allerdings, als ihnen mit Hilfe ihres Heimcomputers das Kunststück glückt, die leibhaftige Traumfrau Lisa zu erschaffen. Dank Lisa gelingt es ihnen, einige haarsträubende Situationen zu meistern und schließlich bei zwei netten Mädeln zu landen.
Teenagerkomödie aus den achtziger Jahren vom Genre-Meister John Hughes ("The Breakfast Club"), die gewohnte Themen wie Identitäts- und Partnersuche mit größtenteils albernen Gags verknüpft.
Two unpopular teenagers, Gary Wallace and Wyatt Donnelly, fail at all attempts to be accepted by their peers. Their desperation to be liked leads them to "create" a woman via their computer. Their living and breathing creation is a gorgeous woman, Lisa, whose purpose is to boost their confidence level by putting them into situations which require Gary and Wyatt to act like men. On their road to becoming accepted, they encounter many hilarious obstacles, which gives the movie an overall sense of silliness.
Two unpopular teenagers, Gary Wallace and Wyatt Donnelly, fail at all attempts to be accepted by their peers. Their desperation to be liked leads them to "create" a woman via their computer. Their living and breathing creation is a gorgeous woman, Lisa, whose purpose is to boost their confidence level by putting them into situations which require Gary and Wyatt to act like men. On their road to becoming accepted, they encounter many hilarious obstacles, which gives the movie an overall sense of silliness.