Legacy - Tödliche Jagd
R. Ellis FrazierSchauspieler:
Luke Goss, Elya Baskin, Roberto 'Sanz' Sanchez, Mark Krenik, Marshal Hilton, Ian Sharp, Amber Pauline Magdesyan, Audrey De León, Louis MandylorWährend eines Jagdausflugs in die abgelegene Wildnis werden Frank (Louis Mandylor) und sein adoptierter Sohn Jake (Renton Pexa) zur Beute eines unbekannten Angreifers. Er handelt im Auftrag des erbarmungslosen Drogenbosses Boranovic (Elya Baskin), für den er Zeugen den Garaus machen soll. In den Überlebenskampf mischt sich der FBI-Agent Gray (Luke Goss) ein, der die beunruhigende Wahrheit über den leiblichen Vater des Sohnes, einen internationalen Kriminellen, enthüllt und den Grund kennt, warum dieser Kriminelle ausgebildete Attentäter geschickt hat, um den Teenager zu töten.
While on a hunting trip in the isolated wilderness, a father and his adopted teenage son are turned into the prey of unknown assailants. They are unexpectedly joined in their fight for survival by a stranger who reveals the disturbing truth about the son's biological father, an international crime lord, and why that crime lord has sent trained assassins to kill the teenager.
While on a hunting trip in the isolated wilderness, a father and his adopted teenage son are turned into the prey of unknown assailants. They are unexpectedly joined in their fight for survival by a stranger who reveals the disturbing truth about the son's biological father, an international crime lord, and why that crime lord has sent trained assassins to kill the teenager.