Lost Memory - Killer ohne Erinnerung
Erik Van LooySchauspieler:
Koen De Bouw, Werner De Smedt, Jan Decleir, Jo De Meyere, Filip Peeters, Hilde De Baerdemaeker, Geert Van Rampelberg, Tom van Dyck, Johan van Assche, Gene Bervoets, Lucas Van den Eynde, Laurien van den Broeck, Deborah Ostrega, Dirk Roofthooft, Patrick Descamps, Anne-Caroline SubervilleEine mysteriöse Mordserie, der sowohl geachtete Bürger wie kleine Gauner und offenbar auch eine Prostituierte in schulpflichtigem Alter zum Opfer fielen, beschäftigt die Antwerpener Mordkommissare Vincke und Verstuyft. Nach einigen Umwegen kommt man auf die Spur eines aus Marseille herbei gereisten Profikillers fortgeschrittenen Alters, der, an Alzheimer leidend und seinen Job verachtend, beschlossen hat, Tabula rasa zu machen und nacheinander in der Befehlskette aufsteigend die eigenen Auftraggeber zu liquidieren.
Thriller um einen an Alzheimer erkrankten Profikiller, der sich gegen seine Arbeitgeber wendet.
Vincke and Verstuyft are one of the best detective teams of the Antwerp police force. When they are confronted with the disappearance of a top official and the murder of two prostitutes, the trail leads to the almost retired assassin Angelo Ledda. Since Ledda starts showing symptoms of Alzheimer's, it's getting more and more difficult to complete his contracts. When he has to murder a 12-year old call-girl, he refuses and becomes a target himself. While Vincke and Verstuyft are chasing him and counting the corpses, Ledda is taking care of his employers.
Vincke and Verstuyft are one of the best detective teams of the Antwerp police force. When they are confronted with the disappearance of a top official and the murder of two prostitutes, the trail leads to the almost retired assassin Angelo Ledda. Since Ledda starts showing symptoms of Alzheimer's, it's getting more and more difficult to complete his contracts. When he has to murder a 12-year old call-girl, he refuses and becomes a target himself. While Vincke and Verstuyft are chasing him and counting the corpses, Ledda is taking care of his employers.