Geoffrey WrightSchauspieler:
Sam Worthington, Victoria Hill, Steve Bastoni, Lachy Hulme, Bob Franklin, Chloe Armstrong, Kate Bell, Miranda Nation, Simon Scott, Matt Doran, Damian Walshe-Howling, Jonny Pasvolsky, Nash Edgerton, Kevin Tran, Samuel Tew, Christopher ShenMacbeth ist ein brutaler Drogendealer der kriminellen Unterwelt. Boss der Gang ist der unberechenbare Duncan, der von allen gefürchtet wird. Drei Teenager-Hexen prophezeien Macbeth eines Tages, dass er schon bald sehr mächtig sein wird. Macbeths Gier ist grenzenlos. Gemeinsam mit seiner intriganten Ehefrau plant er eine tödliche Verschwörung, um Duncans Platz an der Spitze der Gang einzunehmen. Doch durch den Mord an Duncan gerät Macbeth in einen gefährlichen Sog aus Macht und Gewalt. Seine Feinde verbünden sich gegen ihn und haben nur ein Ziel: seinen Tod.
Macbeth, loyal to his crime boss, Duncan, is told by witches that he will one day take over. Driven by their prophecy, he and his wife plot to kill Duncan, and takes the leadership of the gang for himself. Maintaining his power will require more murder and violence, finally driving his surviving enemies to unite and destroy him. A sexy, high octane retelling of this classic story.
Macbeth, loyal to his crime boss, Duncan, is told by witches that he will one day take over. Driven by their prophecy, he and his wife plot to kill Duncan, and takes the leadership of the gang for himself. Maintaining his power will require more murder and violence, finally driving his surviving enemies to unite and destroy him. A sexy, high octane retelling of this classic story.