Mächte des Lichts
Jack HillSchauspieler:
Leigh Harris, Lynette Harris, Roberto Nelson, David MillbernDer rücksichtslose Herrscher Traigon schließt einen Pakt mit den Mächten der Finsternis. Aber die finsteren Mächte verlangen von ihm ein Blutopfer - die eigenen Kinder. Seine beiden Töchter entgehen den Häschern nur knapp und reifen in der Einsamkeit zu zwei tapferen Kriegerinnen heran. Doch eines Tages spürt der Vater mit seinen Horden seine beiden Töchter auf und will nun endlich das Blutopfer vollziehen. Es beginnt der dramatische Kampf des Vaters und der Mächte der Finsternis gegen die Töchter, die die Mächte des Lichts auf ihrer Seite haben.
To maintain his powers, the evil wizard Traigon must sacrifice his firstborn child to the god Caligara. His wife, however, has other ideas and runs away after giving birth with her twin daughters. Before dying, she hands the girls over to the warrior Krona who promises to raise them as great soldiers. Twenty years later, Traigon returns and begins hunting down his daughters once again. Will the twins, with the help of the Barbarian Erlik and the Viking Baldar, be able to defeat their father?
To maintain his powers, the evil wizard Traigon must sacrifice his firstborn child to the god Caligara. His wife, however, has other ideas and runs away after giving birth with her twin daughters. Before dying, she hands the girls over to the warrior Krona who promises to raise them as great soldiers. Twenty years later, Traigon returns and begins hunting down his daughters once again. Will the twins, with the help of the Barbarian Erlik and the Viking Baldar, be able to defeat their father?