Marvel Rising: Heart of Iron
Alfred Gimeno, Sol ChoiSchauspieler:
Melanie Minichino, Mick Wingert, Sofia Wylie, Dee Bradley Baker, Ming-Na Wen, Chloe Bennet, Milana Vayntrub, Dove Cameron, Kathreen Khavari, Kamil McFadden, Tyler Posey, Cierra Ramirez, Kim RaverRiri Williams fühlt sich an der neuen Schule etwas fremd. Als Bösewicht Hala das Techniklabor der Schule zerstört und Riris besten Freund entführt, nimmt sie den Kampf gegen das Böse auf. Inspiriert von Iron Man, entwicketl Riri einen Plan, um den Tag zu retten.
Ironheart, AKA Riri Williams, is having difficulty adjusting to college life as the youngest student there when the college's engineering lab is demolished by an alien and her best friend is kidnapped. Inspired by Iron Man, she develops a plan to save her friend.
Ironheart, AKA Riri Williams, is having difficulty adjusting to college life as the youngest student there when the college's engineering lab is demolished by an alien and her best friend is kidnapped. Inspired by Iron Man, she develops a plan to save her friend.