Mission to Mars
Brian De PalmaSchauspieler:
Don Cheadle, Connie Nielsen, Tim Robbins, Gary Sinise, Jill Teed, Jerry O'Connell, Kim Delaney, Peter Outerbridge, Robert Bailey Jr., Patricia Harras, Kavan Smith, Elise Neal, Marilyn Norry, Freda Perry, Lynda BoydIm Jahr 2020 gelingt es US-Astronauten unter Leitung von Mission Commander Luke Graham, erfolgreich auf dem roten Planeten zu landen. Gleich auf dem ersten Erkundungsgang geraten sie jedoch in einen heftigen Wirbelsturm. Es gelingt ihnen gerade noch, einen Hilferuf Richtung Erde zu schicken. Dort wird eiligst eine Crew zusammengestellt, die auf dem Mars nach Überlebenden suchen soll. Mit an Bord auf dem beschwerlichen Sechs-Monate-Trip: Commander Woody Blake, sein Co-Pilot Jim McConnell sowie zwei Wissenschaftler.
In seinem Debüt als Science-Fiction-Regisseur legt Thriller-Spezialist Brian De Palma, der zuletzt mit "Spiel auf Zeit" Spannung pur feilbot, sein Hauptaugenmerk auf visuelle Spezialeffekte und betörende Bildkompositionen. Damit werden die unendlichen Weiten des Alls fürs Publikum ähnlich erfahrbar wie einst bei "2001 - Odyssee im Weltraum".
In 2020, a crew of astronauts has been prepared for a two-year international mission in Mars. Jim McConnell, Woody Blake and his wife Terri Fisher, Luke Graham and Phil Ohlmyer are best friends and Jim lost his chance to land on Mars when his beloved wife Maggie McConnell died. The team of four astronauts land on Mars but a mysterious storm kills three of them and only Luke survives. A rescue team with Woody in command and Jim, Terri and Phil heads to the red planet and discovers that only Luke has survived. Their further investigation shows that the storm that killed the three other astronauts was artificial and created to protect a Face that lies on Mars. What might be the intriguing Face?
In 2020, a crew of astronauts has been prepared for a two-year international mission in Mars. Jim McConnell, Woody Blake and his wife Terri Fisher, Luke Graham and Phil Ohlmyer are best friends and Jim lost his chance to land on Mars when his beloved wife Maggie McConnell died. The team of four astronauts land on Mars but a mysterious storm kills three of them and only Luke survives. A rescue team with Woody in command and Jim, Terri and Phil heads to the red planet and discovers that only Luke has survived. Their further investigation shows that the storm that killed the three other astronauts was artificial and created to protect a Face that lies on Mars. What might be the intriguing Face?